1. BioPathNet::hsapiens
    List of pathways and associated genes in homo sapiens
  2. BioPathNet::mmusculus
    List of pathways and associated genes in mus musculus
  3. BioPathNet::rnorvegicus
    List of pathways and associated genes in rattus norvegicus
  4. creedenzymatic::kinome_mp_file
    CDRL Complete mapping file (UKA+KRSA+KEA3+PTM-SEA)
  5. creedenzymatic::kinome_mp_file_v1
    CDRL Complete mapping file (UKA+KRSA+KEA3+PTM-SEA)
  6. creedenzymatic::kinome_mp_file_v2
    CDRL Complete mapping file (UKA+KRSA+KEA3+PTM-SEA)
  7. creedenzymatic::kinome_mp_file_v3
    CDRL Complete mapping file (UKA+KRSA+KEA3+PTM-SEA)
  8. creedenzymatic::kinome_mp_file_v4
    CDRL Complete mapping file (UKA+KRSA+KEA3+PTM-SEA)
  9. creedenzymatic::kinome_mp_file_v5
  10. creedenzymatic::kinome_mp_file_v6
  11. creedenzymatic::ptk_pamchip_86402_array_layout_ptmsea
    CDRL Complete mapping of peptides - used for ptm-sea (PTK PamChip 86402)
  12. creedenzymatic::ptk_pamchip_86402_mapping
    CDRL Complete mapping of peptides to HGNC symbols (PTK PamChip 86402)
  13. creedenzymatic::ptk_pamchip_86402_onlyChipPeps_dbs
  14. creedenzymatic::ptm_sea_iptmnet_mapping_ptk
  15. creedenzymatic::ptm_sea_iptmnet_mapping_stk
  16. creedenzymatic::ptmsea_all_dbs
  17. creedenzymatic::stk_pamchip_87102_array_layout_ptmsea
    CDRL Complete mapping of peptides - used for ptm-sea (STK PamChip 87102)
  18. creedenzymatic::stk_pamchip_87102_mapping
    CDRL Complete mapping of peptides to HGNC symbols (STK PamChip 87102)
  19. creedenzymatic::stk_pamchip_87102_onlyChipPeps_dbs
  20. creedenzymatic::uka_db_full
    UKA Complete DB mapping File (STK + PTK)
  21. enrichR::background
    Example background genes
  22. enrichR::genes790
    790 gene symbols
  23. enrichR::input
    Example input genes
  24. KinaseTauScore::AzorsaActivity
    Kinase Activity on Phosphorylating Tau Protein
  25. kinograte::kinomics_exmaple
    an example of Kinome data
  26. kinograte::ppi_network_example
    an example of ppi network
  27. kinograte::proteomics_exmaple
    an example of proteomics data
  28. kinograte::rnaseq_example
    an example of RNA differential gene expression data
  29. KRSA::KRSA_Mapping_PTK_PamChip_86402_v1
    KRSA kinase-substrate mapping file for PamChip 86402 PTK (v1 mapping)
  30. KRSA::KRSA_Mapping_STK_PamChip_87102_v1
    KRSA kinase-substrate mapping file for PamChip 87102 STK (v1 mapping)
  31. KRSA::KRSA_coverage_PTK_PamChip_86402_v1
    KRSA kinase coverage file for PamChip 86402 PTK (v1 mapping)
  32. KRSA::KRSA_coverage_STK_PamChip_87102_v1
    KRSA kinase coverage file for PamChip 87102 STK (v1 mapping)
  33. KRSA::KRSA_coverage_STK_PamChip_87102_v2
    KRSA kinase coverage file for PamChip 87102 STK (v2 mapping, removed PDK kinase)
  34. KRSA::KRSA_layout_PTK_PamChip_86402_v1
  35. KRSA::KRSA_layout_STK_PamChip_87102_v1
  36. KRSA::KRSA_uka_mapping_PTK_PamChip_86402_v1
  37. KRSA::KRSA_uka_mapping_STK_PamChip_87102_v1
  38. KRSA::ballModel_edges
    Protein-Protein Interactions based on PhosphositePlus database
  39. KRSA::ballModel_nodes
    Protein-Protein Interactions based on PhosphositePlus database
  40. KRSA::ptk_pamchip_86402_mapping
    CDRL Complete mapping of peptides to HGNC symbols (PTK PamChip 86402)
  41. KRSA::stk_pamchip_87102_mapping
    CDRL Complete mapping of peptides to HGNC symbols (STK PamChip 87102)
  42. PAVER::gsea_example
    An example of GSEA results
  43. PAVER::kegg_example
    An example of KEGG results
    Protein-protein interaction network data
  45. PCSF::Tgfb_phospho
    Phosphoproteomic data