Package: creedenzymatic 6.1.0

Ali Sajid Imami

creedenzymatic: creedenzymatic

Combine kinome results from KRSA and UKA and other tools A package for integrating upstream kinases analyses

Authors:Ali Sajid Imami [aut, cre], Khaled Alganem [aut], Justin Creeden [aut], Abdul-Rizaq Hamoud [aut]

creedenzymatic/json (API)

# Install 'creedenzymatic' in R:
install.packages('creedenzymatic', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:





3.60 score 1 stars 20 scripts 37 exports 67 dependencies

Last updated 11 months agofrom:f8bb066c21. Checks:1 ERROR, 7 WARNING. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesFAILFeb 23 2025
R-4.5-winWARNINGFeb 23 2025
R-4.5-macWARNINGFeb 23 2025
R-4.5-linuxWARNINGFeb 23 2025
R-4.4-winWARNINGFeb 23 2025
R-4.4-macWARNINGFeb 23 2025
R-4.3-winWARNINGFeb 23 2025
R-4.3-macWARNINGFeb 23 2025>%annotate.gctcombine_toolscreedenzymaticextract_top_kinasesmelt.gctmerge.gctquartile_figurerank_kinasesrank.gctread_kearead_krsaread_ptmsearead_ukarun_kearun_ptmseassGSEA2_cesubset.gcttranspose.gct



Rendered fromcreedenzymatic.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 23 2025.

Last update: 2021-11-16
Started: 2021-05-12

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Align the rows and columns of two (or more) matrices.align_matrices
Check whether 'test_names' are columns in the 'data.frame' df.check_colnames
Check for duplicates in a vector.check_dups
Exract elements from a GCT matrix.extract.gct
Check if x is a whole
Pad a matrix with additional rows/columns of NA values.na_pad_matrix
Parse a GCTX file into the workspace as a GCT object.parse.gctx
Read a GMT file and return a list.parse.gmt
Read a GMX file and return a
Read a GRP file and return a vector of its contents.parse.grp
Read GCTX row or column
Parse row or column metadata from GCTX
Update the matrix of an existing GCTX file.update.gctx
Write a GCT object to disk in GCT format.write.gct
Write a GCT object to disk in GCTX format.write.gctx
Write a nested list to a GMT file.write.gmt
Write a vector to a GRP file.write.grp
Write a 'data.frame' to a tab-delimited text file.write.tbl
Add annotations to a GCT objectannotate.gct
Combine data for quartile figurecombine_tools
Runs Creedenzymaticcreedenzymatic
Extract Top Kinasesextract_top_kinases
An S4 class to represent a GCT objectGCT-class
CDRL Complete mapping file (UKA+KRSA+KEA3+PTM-SEA)kinome_mp_file
CDRL Complete mapping file (UKA+KRSA+KEA3+PTM-SEA)kinome_mp_file_v1
CDRL Complete mapping file (UKA+KRSA+KEA3+PTM-SEA)kinome_mp_file_v2
CDRL Complete mapping file (UKA+KRSA+KEA3+PTM-SEA)kinome_mp_file_v3
CDRL Complete mapping file (UKA+KRSA+KEA3+PTM-SEA)kinome_mp_file_v4
Transform a GCT object in to a long form 'data.table' (aka 'melt')melt.gct
Merge two GCT objects togethermerge.gct
CDRL Complete mapping of peptides - used for ptm-sea (PTK PamChip 86402)ptk_pamchip_86402_array_layout_ptmsea
CDRL Complete mapping of peptides to HGNC symbols (PTK PamChip 86402)ptk_pamchip_86402_mapping
Plot quartile Figurequartile_figure
Rank Kinases based on a scorerank_kinases
Convert a GCT object's matrix to ranksrank.gct
Reads a dataframe of Peptides IDs and their Scores and run KEA3read_kea
Reads and Rank KRSA tableread_krsa
Reads a dataframe of Peptides IDs and their Scores and run PTM-SEAread_ptmsea
Reads and Rank UKA tableread_uka
Run KEA3 API based on a set of gene symbolsrun_kea
Run PTM-SEA API using a gct file as inputrun_ptmsea
CDRL Complete mapping of peptides - used for ptm-sea (STK PamChip 87102)stk_pamchip_87102_array_layout_ptmsea
CDRL Complete mapping of peptides to HGNC symbols (STK PamChip 87102)stk_pamchip_87102_mapping
Subset a gct object using the provided row and column idssubset.gct
Transpose a GCT objecttranspose.gct
UKA Complete DB mapping File (STK + PTK)uka_db_full